Monday, November 29, 2010

Amazing Grace (Part-1)

Did you ever wonder what this amazing Grace is all about?

Most Christians have very faint idea about Grace. I am saying this because; most of us grew up learning a well cooked theological definition which defines Grace as: "Unmerited favor for the underserved."

Well, I do not contest with this definition at all for this is exactly what it is, but have we really understood the deeper in-depth of Grace ?

Most often, when I ask a brother or a sister, "How are you doing?" I get an affirmative response saying, "Well I am doing well by the Grace of God." Most often, I also realized, we say this, because it has become a way of our spoken language; not that we understand or even mean it at times.

I too lived by the definition and never gave a deeper thought, as to what this Grace of God was all about. I knew that God saved me by His Grace and I needed His Grace daily to go on in my life. But God started storming my life through His word. I asked, "Do I really understand what Grace is? I said, help me understand."

You know what? God took me back to the Garden of Eden in Genesis and gave me the most astounding revelation of His word, which I did not hear from any preacher before. My heart was burning with me.

In Genesis, after God created Adam and Eve, you know? God taught them... God taught them how, Not to get into trouble. And you know, all that Adam and Eve had to do was to keep their hands off, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Thats it! If they would have only kept themselves away from that tree, they would have kept themselves from getting into trouble and making a mess of their eternity.

But interestingly, God did not tell them, how to get out of the trouble, if they do get into trouble. Why? God said, "Because I kept that space for Grace." He said, you can do nothing to get back to me and even if you do, I will reject it, because that is born out of the flesh. God said, "I myself will do it."

Adam and Eve strove to cover their nakedness and shame that resulted through sin with mere leaves. God rejected their covering and made a covering from the skin of an animal. An innocent animal was killed to cover their nakedness and shame. God gave the typology of how Christ will cover out shame through His own sacrifice.

This is the reason; all our righteous act and good works are like filthy rags before God apart from Christ. Many in this word are seeking for salvation through their good works. God rejects the good works that are not born out of the Spirit. Only the fruit that are born of the Spirit is truly pleasing to God. One who is born of flesh is flesh and one born of Spirit is spirit. Our good works must be born out of Spirit; meaning the good works.. our fruit must be, the by-product that comes forth through Spirits leading. And we cannot produce it ourselves, God does it in us throught the Spirit of Grace. (Heb 10:29).

Adam and Eve could not get back to the same place where they enjoyed right with God at one time, because the mankind had to wait for God to complete the work, wherewith sinful man could be reconciled with the living God.

God kept the "act of get back to God (reconciliation) for Grace ." Listen! Without this Grace, no one can come back to God. Without this Grace, no one can see God. In Exodus 33:13. Moses wanted to see God and said, "Now if I have found Grace in your sight, show me you ways." What does it take to see God?? Brother, it takes Grace to see Him and if you do not stand in this Grace, you cannot see Him.

We are saved by Grace through our faith and not by our works. Eph 2:8.
And if it is not of our works..., then it simply means; it is of His work. Hallelujah! Yes, Grace is the "unmerited favor of God for us not based on our merits but on the merits of Christ." Grace is available for everyone now, if only we come to Jesus in faith. (Rom 5:2). Jesus has earned Grace for the world, through the finished work of the Cross - His merits. He said, "It is done." And what Jesus has done, no power in heaven or on earth or under the earth can annul it. Hallelujah! Praise be to God.

"For the law was given by Moses, but Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." Joh 1:17
Yes, Grace is available in Christ, why not come to Christ Jesus who will give us Grace after Grace ...after Grace ...after Grace . How much Grace do you want? He will give you And when you will have this Grace amazing things will start happening-wooohh...

I have many things to write but less time and space. I am going to continue this topic in next part, so, If you are blessed reading this topic, please write back and stay tuned.

God bless you.